Whats going on, been a very long time
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:45 am
My life has just been a complete nightmare for the last year and a half at least. Keep this real short and to the point. I am starting to get back to what made me happy. I lost it for awhile. Life was just to hard to keep hobbying. When through a huge case of depression. Last year a lone I only had 4 flights in one day on my 570. Yes I have a goblin 570 and right now she is a shelf queen. I am working on 2 smaller helis that will allow me to fly in a more versatile area. The 570 needs a big field and its not always easy for me to get to a filed to fly. So now I am working on a 285mm and a 215 mm helis. No I did not get another goblin. I didnt have the money for a fireball. There is a huge back story to the also. Not the fireball the money aspect.